A web hosting service removes most of the set up and work required to manage a server, but radically ups the cost. Sure, there is a wealth of online resources, but if you aren’t particularly tech savvy, this can result in a lot of work. To top it all off, you must figure out and resolve any issues that crop up with your server. Other apps running on your PC can affect your hosting capabilities, too. A poor connection can result in a lag-filled gameplay experience. However, the quality of your home internet connection directly impacts how other people connect with your server. When hosting your own Minecraft server, you save money by not paying a web hosting service, and you have complete server control-assuming you know what you’re doing. There are strengths and challenges with both approaches. What’s more, many web hosts offer customer support, so if you are hesitant about setting up a server by yourself, the additional help will set your mind at ease. If you don’t mind paying for the service, this is a solid option. Many web hosting services offer dedicated Minecraft-oriented hosting that streamlines the entire process. Both require a modicum of technical know-how, but the VPS route is generally much easier. You can choose to pay a virtual private server (VPS) provider to host your Minecraft server, or you can host the server on your own computer. There are a few ways to go about creating a Minecraft server, but there are two major avenues you can take. If you're a parent, you'll be pleased to know that creating a Minecraft server means you control who your children play with online-it's a form of parental control. For example, you can assign or deny roles to other players, control how objects spawn, or tweak the in-game physics.

For now, let’s focus on getting your Minecraft server up and running.īy creating your own Minecraft server, you can alter the game in ways you normally could not. Admittedly, getting friends to connect with said server is an entirely different process, but we’ll cross that bridge in another article. Creating your own server is a fairly simple endeavor, provided you accurately follow the necessary steps and commands. If you’ve ever wanted to create a Minecraft server, but were put off by file modification or confusing terminology, don’t fret. How to Set Up Two-Factor Authentication.How to Record the Screen on Your Windows PC or Mac.How to Convert YouTube Videos to MP3 Files.How to Save Money on Your Cell Phone Bill.How to Free Up Space on Your iPhone or iPad.How to Block Robotexts and Spam Messages.